Saturday, July 30, 2011

Breaking News Washington: Congress Raises Ceiling

By unanimous vote,  the House of Representatives passed a bill raising Speaker of the House John Boehner’s medication.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Vertigo: What is Vertigo? Diagnosis Cause Symptoms Treatment

Vertigo: What is Vertigo? Diagnosis Cause Symptoms Treatment

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is a sinkhole? Can I get Sinkhole Insurance? Florida Sinkholes! Sinkhole Pictures! Guatemala Sinkholes!

What is a sinkhole? Can I get Sinkhole Insurance? Florida Sinkholes! Sinkhole Pictures! Guatemala Sinkholes!

What will happen if the National Debt Ceiling is not increased.?

What will happen if the National Debt Ceiling is not increased.?

Excessive Heat in New York

David Letterman reports the heat in New York has been so bad, former congressman Anthony Weiner has been sleeping in the same bed with his wife just for the chill.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What will happen if the National Debt Ceiling is not increased.?

What will happen if the National Debt Ceiling is not increased.? 6 Things that could happen if the Federal Debt Ceiling is not increased.
All leading experts agree. A default would trigger a worldwide catastrophe. The world financial markets would be severely shaken as the United States would tarnish, if not forever lose its image as the shining beacon of stability in a faltering world economy.
Christine Lagard, head of the International Monetary Fund, states that a United States failure to raise the limit could damage the global economy ,saying a default or downgrade of U.S. debt would be "a very, very, very serious event, not just for the United States but for the global economy at large."

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Friday, July 22, 2011

What is Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis? Diagnosis - Treatment - Advice

Many people are confused. Is the correct name Diverticulitis orDiverticulosis? Or is it something else?
Diverticulosis (Also called Divertiular Disease) is the name for a medical condition in which small pouches protrude outward from the colon. Thecolon is also called the large intestine. Each pocket is called aDiverticulum. When more than one pocket is present, they are collectively referred to as Diverticula.
It is estimated roughly 10% or more of all people in the Unites States, age 60 and above suffer from Diverticulosis. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Chupacabra Sighting in Texas: Fact or Fiction? What is a Chupacabra? Chupacabra Sightings

The recent possible Chupacabra sighting in Texas is one of many. Is it fact or is it fiction? Read on to make your own conclusion. Be sure not to miss the enlightening video and interview near the end of the article.

What is a Chupacabra?

The story of the Chupacabra is what legends are made of. It is an animal rumored to inhabit North and South America, from Maine in the north to Chile in the south. Sightings were first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Summary of Rupert Murdoch’s Troubles.

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about Rupert Murdoch in the news recently. Also, if you’re like most people, you don’t really know a lot about him, other than that you’ve probably remember him as being rich and maybe that he made his money owning newspapers and the like. But what’s the short version of all the hoopla? Let’s take a look.

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