- Amish warlocks placed a curse on Mitt because he put a bonnet manufacturing company out business during his Bain years and was against the buggy bailout.
- Democrats secretly distributed 200,000 copies of Fifty Shades of Grey to Republican women in Michigan, thus giving them something more satisfying to do with themselves than vote.
- An astrologer in Budapest claimed that the position of Jupiter's third largest moon foretold that Democrats would win Ohio, thus affecting the vote there.
- Secret Chinese experiments with electromagnetic rays caused Republican voters to go temporarily sane on November 6 and vote for Democrats.
- An insidious Democratic cabal of scientists at NASA electronically altered the orbits of five tracking satellites, thus sabotaging the GPSs of Ohio Republicans who drove voters to the polls and, as a result, ended up in Canada.
- Fortune cookies in Miami were biased, influencing elderly Jews to vote Democratic.
- Kenyan operatives infiltrated polling places in Wisconsin.
- False rumors that The Kingston Trio would be giving a free concert in Orlando on Election Day were circulated among young Republicans.
- Obama's prayers to the Vishnu influenced the Latino vote.
- In response to Romney's stand on immigration, aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy telepathically controlled the minds of a million Republicans, causing them all to vote for Obama.
Thanks to John Blumenthal