Thursday, December 27, 2012

Now That's A Really Big Shark

The Mammoth Megalodon, A Shark About 30 Times the Size of a Great White
The (Carcharodon) Megalodon is thought to have looked something like a Great White Shark, only a bit more stocky and overall bigger… much bigger,
with an average adult Megalodon estimated to have weighed around 70-100 tons (about 30 times that of a Great White Shark which full grown tend to be about 2.5-3 tons).  The Megalodon is estimated to have been around 15-24 meters long (50-78 ft., compared to a typical adult Great White Shark which is only 6m or 20 ft long).  It is also estimated that the bite force the Megalodon’s jaws could generate was somewhere in the vicinity of 108,514 N – 182,201 N (11-18 tons of force).  For reference, this is about 6-10 times the biting power of a Great White Shark and 18-30 times that of a Lion.